Does ResMed have a direct stock purchase plan?
ResMed does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan. If you wish to purchase ResMed common stock, please contact a stockbroker.
Does ResMed pay dividends and is there a dividend reinvest program?
ResMed currently pays a quarterly dividend. Dividend information is available in the Dividend History section of the website. ResMed does not offer a dividend reinvestment program.
How can I obtain a copy of ResMed's Annual Report?
ResMed’s Annual Reports are available in Adobe Acrobat format in the Annual Reports section of our website. To get a copy mailed to you, email us at , call 800-424-0737 #6, or write to Investor Relations, ResMed Inc., 9001 Spectrum Center Blvd San Diego, CA 92123.
How do I contact ResMed's Investor Relations?
By e-mail at
By phone for IR General Inquiries call: 800-424-0737 #6.
By fax: 858-746-2830.
By mail: Investor Relations, ResMed Inc., 9001 Spectrum Center Blvd, San Diego, CA 92123
What exchange does ResMed stock trade on?
ResMed trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol "RMD" and on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the symbol “RMD.AX”.
What is the difference between registered and street-name shareholders?
Registered shareholders have shares registered in their own name. While not required, registered shareholders may have a stock certificate denoting the number of shares owned. Shareholders who deposit their shares in an electronic brokerage account hold the shares in "street name" because their shares are legally registered in the broker's (street) name, although the shareholder retains beneficial ownership of the shares.
When does ResMed's fiscal year end?
ResMed's fiscal year ends on June 30th.
Who do I contact with questions about my stock certificates?
Inquiries concerning the transfer or exchange of RMD shares, lost stock certificates, duplicate mailings or change of address should be directed to our Transfer Agent and Registrar:
Computershare, Inc.
PO Box 30170
College Station, TX 77842
Telephone: +1 800-962-4284
TDD/TTY: +1 800-952-9245 (within USA) or +1 781-575-4592 (outside USA)
Computershare, Inc.
Level 3
60 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: +61 2 8234 5000 Website:
Who is on ResMed's Board of Directors?
A listing of the members of ResMed’s Board of Directors can be found under the Corporate Governance section.
Who should I contact if I'm a member of the media?
If you are a member of the media, please contact Rowena Kelley at or 858-289-7272. For additional information you may also visit our Newsroom.