New York isn't the Only City that Doesn't Sleep: ResMed Survey Reveals Majority of Americans Suffer Through their Bed Partners' Snoring Instead of Seeking Help

The Solution? It's Easier, Cheaper and Healthier for All Involved than a Second Bedroom

SAN DIEGO, June 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Snoring interrupts the sleep of 84 percent of Americans and their bed partners but most just suffer through it instead of seeking help. This was the key finding in a recent Spring Harris Interactive survey sponsored by ResMed (NYSE: RMD), an innovator and pioneer in developing products for the treatment of sleep-disordered breathing and other respiratory conditions. 

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Men are twice as likely as women to say their bed partner leaves the room to escape their snoring. However, neither really wants to abandon a comfortable bed – 65 percent of respondents still choose to suffer through a sleepless night instead of leaving the bedroom or seeking solutions. And worse, the suffering may only start with snoring. Many are unaware that snoring is one of the leading symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing, the general term for a group of disorders characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, the most common of which is obstructive sleep apnea. For people with sleep apnea, their sleep may be interrupted literally a hundred times an hour by the body fighting to breathe.

"Every day I talk to people who exhibit symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing ("SDB"), and I'm always surprised at how many have permanently adapted to feeling tired rather than seeking help," said Adam Benjafield, Ph.D., vice president, medical affairs for ResMed Americas. "And getting help is as easy as answering five quick questions, after which you'll know whether it's time to visit your physician for an in-depth discussion and further diagnosis. Most people can even get diagnosed at home. The diagnosis of SDB, and concomitant treatment, can restore a good night's sleep to bedrooms all across the country."  

Is sleep a necessity or luxury?

Apparently, a nation of snoring bedrooms is creating a society of homebodies. When asked to choose between a great night out and a great night's sleep, a decisive 72 percent of both men and women chose staying in and catching some ZZZs. Among other findings:

  • The results were fairly consistent between genders.
  • Parents of teenagers were 12 percent more likely than parents of children under age six to prefer the chance to catch up on their sleep.

Whether feeling tired from an incomplete night's sleep or a great night out, people can easily assess their own sleep health by answering a few questions like "Do you snore?" and "Are you excessively tired during the day?" by clicking through to the Sleep Apnea Symptom Test on ResMed's patient education site.

The site also provides a wealth of information on sleep apnea, its associated health risks and insights for patients and their loved ones about seeking treatment. Sleep coaches are also available to answer questions with a personal perspective no matter where people are in their journey to a good night's rest. For more information about sleep-disordered breathing and a variety of treatment solutions, consumers should click on the Patients & Families section at the top of

About ResMed:
ResMed is a global leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of medical products for the diagnosis, treatment and management of respiratory disorders, with a focus on sleep-disordered breathing. The company is dedicated to developing innovative products to improve the lives of those who suffer from these conditions and to increasing awareness among patients and healthcare professionals of the potentially serious health consequences of untreated sleep-disordered breathing. For more information on ResMed, visit

Survey Methodology:
This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of ResMed from April 9-11, 2013 among 1,912 adults ages 30 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact Karen Nolan, Flashpoint PR on behalf of ResMed at or (415) 551-9619.


Gretchen Griswold

 Karen Nolan 

Director, Global Corporate Communications

 Flashpoint PR, on behalf of ResMed Inc.

O: 858-836-6789

 O: 415.551.9619

SOURCE ResMed Inc.