ResMed Inc. Announces Record Financial Results for Quarter and Six Months Ended December 31, 2006

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ResMed Inc. (NYSE: RMD) today announced record revenue and income results for the quarter ended December 31, 2006. Revenue for the quarter was $178.4 million, a 22% increase over the quarter ended December 31, 2005. For the current quarter, pro forma income from operations and pro forma net income were $47.0 million and $33.7 million, an increase of 23% and 25%, respectively (pro forma measures exclude the impact of stock-based compensation costs, restructuring expenses and amortization of acquired intangible assets, which are described below). Pro forma diluted earnings per share for the quarter ended December 31, 2006, were $0.43, an increase of 20%, compared to the December 31, 2005, quarter. GAAP operating income was $40.7 million for the current quarter, while net income was $29.0 million or $0.37 per diluted share. Gross margin was 62.6% for the quarter ended December 31, 2006.

Pro forma selling, general and administration (SG&A) costs for the quarter were $53.5 million, an increase of $8.2 million, or 18%, over the same period in fiscal 2006. Pro forma SG&A costs were 30% of revenue in the December quarter, compared to 31% in the same period in fiscal 2006. GAAP SG&A costs were $57.3 million for the quarter, an increase of $8.4 million or 17% over the quarter ended December 31, 2005. The increase in SG&A was primarily due to the addition of selling and administration personnel and related expenses necessary to support our sales growth.

Pro forma research and development expenditure during the quarter was $11.5 million, or approximately 6% of revenues. GAAP R&D expense during the quarter was $12.0 million or approximately 7% of revenue. GAAP R&D expenses increased 40% year over year and are expected to remain between 6% and 7% of net revenue through fiscal year 2007.

For the six months ended December 31, 2006, revenues were $342.0 million, an increase of 25% over the $273.5 million for the six months ended December 31, 2005. For the six months ended December 31, 2006, pro forma income from operations and pro forma net income were $87.6 million and $62.5 million, an increase of 28% and 31%, respectively. GAAP net income for the six months ended December 31, 2006, was $54.0 million or $0.69 per diluted share.

Amortization of acquired intangibles of $1.7 million ($1.1 million net of tax) incurred during the quarter ended December 31, 2006, consisted of amortization of acquired intangible assets associated with our acquisitions of Resprecare, Hoefner, Saime, PolarMed and Pulmomed. Stock-based compensation costs incurred during the quarter ended December 31, 2006, of $4.6 million ($3.6 million net of tax) consisted of expenses associated with stock options granted to employees and the employee stock purchase plan.

The Company is providing tabular reconciliation of GAAP operating income and GAAP net income with pro forma operating income and pro forma net income, excluding the impact of stock-based compensation costs, restructuring expenses and amortization of acquired intangible assets, for the three-month and six-month periods ended December 31, 2006, and December 31, 2005.

Inventory, at $141.9 million, increased by $25.7 million compared to June 2006 levels primarily to accommodate sales growth and the introduction of new products including the Adapt SV and Tango. Accounts receivable days sales outstanding, at 72 days, were marginally higher than the December 2005 levels of 70 days.

Peter C. Farrell, PhD, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "In the second quarter of fiscal 2007, overall Americas sales for our sleep products increased by 23%; including sales from our motor division, Americas sales increased by 20% over the year ago quarter. In this regard it is noted that the ResMed motor division has significantly reduced sales of low margin non-core products to concentrate more exclusively on the supply of motors for ResMed products. Sales growth in sleep products for the Americas reflects continuing strong demand for our Swift nasal pillows system, our full-face masks and the Adapt SV, which was only launched in the previous quarter. Sales outside of the Americas totaled $84.4 million, a 24% increase over last year. Operating cash flow for the September quarter was $18 million."

Dr. Farrell continued, "We are pleased with the in-roads we continue to make into the cardiology and complex sleep apnea markets with the Adapt SV and we are making good progress with our Occupational Health strategy. We are also excited by the upcoming launch of the Tango into the value end of the CPAP market."

About ResMed

ResMed is a leading manufacturer of medical equipment for the treatment and management of sleep-disordered breathing and other respiratory disorders. We are dedicated to developing innovative products to improve the lives of those who suffer from these conditions and to increasing awareness among patients and healthcare professionals for the potentially serious health consequences of untreated sleep-disordered breathing. For more information on ResMed, visit

ResMed will host a conference call at 2:00 p.m. U.S. Pacific Standard Time today to discuss these quarterly results. Individuals wishing to access the conference call may do so via ResMed's Web site at or by dialing (866) 770-7120 (domestic) or +1 (617) 213-8065 (international) and entering conference I.D. No. 77662910. Please allow extra time prior to the call to visit the Web site and download the streaming media player (Windows Media Player) required to listen to the Internet broadcast. The online archive of the broadcast will be available approximately 90 minutes after the live call and will be available for two weeks. A telephone replay of the conference call is available by dialing (888) 286-8010 (domestic) and +1 (617) 801-6888 (international) and entering conference I.D. No. 34006790.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Matthew Borer at ResMed Inc., San Diego, at (858) 746-2280; Brett Sandercock at ResMed Limited, Sydney, on (+61 2) 8884-2090; or by visiting the Company's multilingual Web site at

Statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking" statements as contemplated by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the Company's future revenue, earnings or expenses, new product development and new markets for the Company's products, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to materially differ from those projected or implied in the forward-looking statements. Those risks and uncertainties are discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for its most recent fiscal year and in other reports the Company files with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. Those reports are available on the Company's Web site.

                         RESMED INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)
                  (In US$ thousands, except per share data)

                           Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                              December 31,                December 31,
                            2006         2005         2006         2005

    Net revenue           $178,428     $146,416     $342,033     $273,543
    Cost of sales(A)        66,670       54,690      128,979      101,698

    Gross profit           111,758       91,726      213,054      171,845

    Operating expenses:
    Selling, general
     and administrative(A)  57,336       48,894      110,780       93,574
    Research and
     development(A)         12,028        8,588       22,883       17,013
    Donation to foundation      --          255           --          255
    Amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets                  1,702        1,545        3,383        3,090
    Restructuring expenses      --          168           --        1,124

    Total operating
     expenses               71,066       59,450      137,046      115,056

    Income from operations  40,692       32,276       76,008       56,789

    Other income
     (expenses), net:
    Interest income
     (expense), net          1,486         (754)       2,983       (1,691)
    Other, net                  67        1,025         (507)       1,316

    Total other income
     (expenses), net         1,553          271        2,476         (375)

    Income before
     income taxes           42,245       32,547       78,484       56,414
    Income taxes            13,250       10,233       24,490       17,658

    Net income             $28,995      $22,314      $53,994      $38,756

    Basic earnings
     per share               $0.38        $0.31        $0.71        $0.55
    Diluted earnings
     per share(1)            $0.37        $0.30        $0.69        $0.53
    Pro forma diluted
     earnings per share
     excluding the impact
     of stock-based
     compensation costs,
     restructuring expenses
     and amortization of
     intangibles(1) & (2)    $0.43        $0.36        $0.79        $0.64

    Basic shares
     outstanding            76,358       70,922       76,300       70,623
    Diluted shares
     outstanding(1)         78,142       77,183       78,271       76,716

    (A) Includes
     compensation costs
     as follows:
    Cost of sales             $285         $213         $591         $213
    Selling, general
     and administrative      3,787        3,576        6,657        6,451
    Research and
     development               543          533          991        1,049

    Total stock-based
     compensation costs     $4,615       $4,322       $8,239       $7,713

    (1)  See reconciliation of Basic and Diluted Earning per Share in table at
         end of press release.
    (2)  See reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures in table at end of
         press release.

                         RESMED INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
              (In US$ thousands except share and per share data)

                                                  December 31,     June 30,
                                                      2006           2006
    Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                       $232,668       $219,544
    Marketable securities - available for sale        21,950             --
    Accounts receivable, net                         143,596        138,147
    Inventories                                      141,876        116,194
    Deferred income taxes                             35,492         26,636
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets         15,326          9,763

    Total current assets                             590,908        510,284

    Property, plant and equipment, net               282,283        245,376
    Goodwill                                         202,311        195,612
    Other intangibles                                 48,000         48,897
    Other assets                                       8,840          7,052

    Total Non current assets                         541,434        496,937

    Total assets                                  $1,132,342     $1,007,221

    Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
    Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                 $45,485        $45,045
    Accrued expenses                                  46,363         40,901
    Deferred revenue                                  17,633         15,344
    Income taxes payable                              15,766         22,841
    Current portion of long-term debt                 38,424          4,869

    Total current liabilities                        163,671        129,000

    Non Current Liabilities:
    Deferred income taxes                             10,629         12,377
    Deferred Revenue                                  12,098         11,484
    Long-term debt                                    95,124        116,212

    Total non-current liabilities                    117,851        140,073

    Total liabilities                                281,522        269,073

    Stockholders' Equity:
    Common Stock                                         307            303
    Additional paid-in capital                       386,616        353,464
    Retained earnings                                424,646        370,652
    Treasury stock                                   (41,405)       (41,405)
    Accumulated other comprehensive income            80,656         55,134

    Total stockholders' equity                       850,820        738,148

    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity    $1,132,342     $1,007,221

          Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures (Unaudited)
               (Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)

In managing its business, ResMed makes use of certain non-GAAP financial measures in evaluating the Company's results of operations. The measure, "pro forma operating income" is reconciled with GAAP operating income in the table below:

                            Three Months Ended          Six Months Ended
                               December 31,               December 31,
                             2006        2005          2006         2005
    GAAP operating income  $40,692      $32,276      $76,008      $56,789
     compensation costs      4,615        4,322        8,239        7,713
    Restructuring expenses      --          168           --        1,124
    Amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets                  1,702        1,545        3,383        3,090
    Pro forma operating
     income (excluding the
     impact of stock-based
     compensation costs,
     restructuring expenses
     and amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets)               $47,009      $38,311      $87,630      $68,716

    The measure, "pro forma net income" is reconciled with GAAP net income in
the table below:

                            Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                               December 31,              December 31,
                             2006        2005          2006         2005
    GAAP net income        $28,995      $22,314      $53,994      $38,756
     compensation costs,
     net of tax              3,579        3,429        6,294        6,041
     expenses, net of tax       --          108           --          718
    Amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets, net of tax      1,126        1,018        2,238        2,035
    Pro forma net income
     (excluding the impact
     of stock-based
     compensation costs,
     restructuring expenses
     and amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets)               $33,700      $26,869      $62,526      $47,550

ResMed believes that presenting diluted earnings per share, excluding the impact of stock-based compensation costs, restructuring expenses and amortization of acquired intangible assets is an additional measure of performance that investors can use to compare operating results between reporting periods. In addition, the events giving rise to the restructuring expenses are not associated with the Company's normal operating business and are expected to result in future market opportunities, cost savings, and other benefits.

Management of the Company uses non-GAAP information internally in planning, forecasting, and evaluating the Company's results of operations in the current period and in comparing it to past periods. The Company also uses these non-GAAP measures in evaluating management performance for compensation purposes. Management believes that this information also provides investors better insight in evaluating the Company's earnings performance from core operations and provides consistency in financial reporting.

Management believes disclosure of non-GAAP earnings has economic substance because the excluded expenses represent non-cash expenditures, or relate to transactions that are variable in nature between reporting periods. Our use of non-GAAP earnings is intended to supplement, and not to replace, our presentation of net income and other GAAP measures. Like all non-GAAP measures, non-GAAP earnings are subject to inherent limitations because they do not include all the expenses that must be included under GAAP. We compensate for the inherent limitations of non-GAAP measures by not relying exclusively on non-GAAP measures, but rather by using such information to supplement GAAP financial measures.

      Reconciliation of Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share (Unaudited)
               (Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)

                            Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                               December 31,              December 31,
                            2006         2005         2006          2005
    Net Income             $28,995      $22,314      $53,994      $38,756
    Adjustment for
     interest and
     deferred borrowing
     costs, net of income
     tax effect(1)              --          839           --        1,660

    Net income, used in
     calculating diluted
     earnings per share     28,995       23,153       53,994       40,416

    Adjustment for
     compensation costs      3,579        3,429        6,294        6,041
    Adjustment for
     restructuring expenses     --          108           --          718
    Adjustment for
     Amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets                  1,126        1,018        2,238        2,035
    Pro forma net income,
     used in calculating
     diluted earnings per
     share, excluding the
     impact of stock-based
     compensation costs,
     expenses and
     amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets                $33,700      $27,708      $62,526      $49,210

    Basic weighted-average
     common shares
     outstanding            76,358       70,922       76,300       70,623
    Effect of dilutive
    Stock options            1,784        2,524        1,971        2,356
     subordinated notes(1)      --        3,737           --        3,737

    Diluted potential
     common shares           1,784        6,261        1,971        6,093

    Diluted weighted
     average shares         78,142       77,183       78,271       76,716

    Increase in diluted
     weighted average shares:
    Stock option adjustment
     due to the impact of
     SFAS 123(R)               681          381          601          415

    Pro forma diluted
     weighted average
     shares, excluding the
     impact of SFAS 123(R)  78,823       77,564       78,872       77,131

    Basic earnings
     per share               $0.38        $0.31        $0.71        $0.55

    Diluted earnings
     per share               $0.37        $0.30        $0.69        $0.53

    Pro forma diluted
     earnings per share,
     excluding the impact
     of stock-based
     compensation costs,
     restructuring expenses
     and amortization of
     acquired intangible
     assets                  $0.43        $0.36        $0.79        $0.64

    (1)  Diluted earnings per share has been calculated after adjusting the
         numerator (net income) for the effect of assumed conversion of our
         convertible notes for the three months ended December 31, 2006 by
         $Nil (2005: $839,000) and for the six months ended December 31, 2006
         by $Nil (2005: $1,660,000).

SOURCE ResMed Inc.